Sunday, August 12, 2012

So... you say have no time?

Well, since you don't have time for your health, you probably don't have time for exercise, right?

Americans are in such a rush and hurry to get no-where fast. But once they find themselves on their back, suddenly there is the time to think about how we used our time. We have to remember our main reason for life, and I do not believe that I was created to work harder and longer hours to make other people rich.
Yes, it goes against what most people say and have learned in school......

So, who has time to work out every day? Not many of us except those of you who are determined to get in shape. For the rest of us - how can we lose weight or make our hearts stronger? There is a reasonable solution…
If I told you, that there is a way, where you only need to train  twice per week…
Would you do it? How bad do you want to lose weight or get in better shape?
Our bodies count calories Per Week. It takes 3500 Cal to lose or gain one pound. If we then cut down our calorie intake and burn a lot of calories only one or two days per week, it will already make a difference in the total at the end of the week, provided that we do not eat more on the other days to make up for it. So, if we normally eat 1600 calories per day, that makes 11200 calories per week. This is the amount of calories (in this example) that we eat and keep our weight consistent. Now, if we only eat 800 calories once per week and burn a thousand calories that same day (which will come from our fat-tank), we
will have an intake of 10400 calories that week minus what we burned exercising. So, we will have 1800 calories less (or 3600 if you exercised twice) than we normally eat and burn. At the end of 2 weeks, we will have 3600 calories (or 7200 for twice a week)  less of our normal intake. (Understand that this is only an estimate. You can also work the Termogenic effect and burn more, all depends on WHAT you consume. ) Technically we will lose about 2 pounds or more every month. That is progress!! If you can have 2 fat-killer days per week, (Tuesdays and Fridays would be great), you can lose two pounds every other week. It would take you only 6 weeks to lose 10 pounds. And your heart would get a nice increase of demand, which will strengthen your heart (of course, you should consult your doctor first).  There are many 45 minute to an hour programs out there which are very effective. I have tried them myself. At first it seems impossible, but you will be surprised how quickly your body adjusts to the demand.
Now you have the knowledge, the rest is up to you.
What are you waiting for?

Get absolutely ripped in just 90 days with P90X - Click here
Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer -
The Workout Program for the Busiest People - Click here
Fatloss - Click Here!

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