Saturday, August 18, 2012

Let's go do something......

We all like to plan to get together with our friends. We can go to the beach, or shopping, or to an amusement park, or - Hey, let's go out to eat.
But don't we already eat anyways? Since when did eating become a recreational activity?
I did not know what to do with the suggestion when I first came from Germany. Going out to eat is usually to celebrate an event. I learned that people do it here just to spend time.
I watched people grab a snack before they go out to eat because they don't want to get hungry waiting for their food. Isn't that ironic? Is it possible to just "cook together" as an activity and then enjoy what we created instead?
I think we put too much power into the hands of other people by allowing them to decide what ingredients and quality will be added to our dinner. I would like to have a say how much salt or which type of oil is added.
Knowing that American companies use sodium as a preservative, I would rather leave off the salt altogether. Most restaurants are serving meals with three times the daily recommendation of sodium. If you are unaware that sodium leads to high blood pressure, you have just been informed.
And oil in itself is not a problem, especially olive oil. But once it's heated, it becomes hydrogenated fat and a problem. Studies show that hydrogenated fat (also known as trans fat) is cancer causing. 
I just went out walking with my friend. She is a vegetarian and after our walk she wanted to pick up some food. We went into a Taco place and she ordered a vegetarian salad inside a Taco Shell. First ingredient she mentioned: Refried Beans. I guess she did not know that those are made with lard, which is a fat from Pork. 
I believe it is scandalous that consumers and customers are not properly informed about ingredients and how their foods were prepared. 
Although I am not vegetarian, I used to be one and still am a very picky eater. Since my competing in Figure, I added chicken and turkey to my meal plans. If any of my food had anything with pork in it, I would be very upset. (I can taste pork immediately.)
Call me spooked but I rather make sure I know what is in my food and prepare it myself. And if you want to get together and do something, let's bake cookies.  

Especially fun for Halloween =)

Referenced also

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