But then something unfortunate happens and suddenly we chose not to do the things we like. Maybe we started to feel bad about ourselves. In our head we might think we are just not motivated or tired. Maybe we are too busy to do it or don't want to take the time. Where does this thought come from?
In life, when we are younger, we have all these exciting expectations and ideas that we want to make happen. We are full of energy and excitement. We have goals and ambitions that we set and strive for. We have had no bad experiences that tell us we can't do something. But then stuff happens; suddenly we are thrown a curve ball and have to solve a problem before we can take the next step toward our goal. And then there comes another hurdle, or obstacle, that we need to overcome to continue on our road toward our goal. Pretty soon, we have had to move a lot of things out of the way so that we forgot what road we were on in the first place. Things had to be done in order to stay on the path and that lead onto another path. These little side steps can really throw a person off their original thought process.
Years down the road we sit there and wonder why we feel so overwhelmed and exhausted. "How did I get here in the first place? And why do I feel so unmotivated?" We lost focus.
While we lost focus, we also were too busy to do the things we like, spend time with the people we like, wear the clothes that suit us, and move toward our goals. The only thing we didn't do was take care of our own cognitive well-being. Now we are not content anymore and don't even feel good about ourselves.
Discontentment can lead to depression. Lack of motivation can be one of the symptoms of depression. Now, I believe there are two types of depression: 1. Chronic depression, which has to do with neurotransmitters and a chemical imbalance in the brain and needs to be treated. 2. Circumstantial depression, which was caused by discontentment and uncontrolable circumstances and events.
The second one can be mended without medication and may be fixed faster than the first one, but it requires work.
When we are unmotivated caused by depression, we tend to let ourselves go and distract ourselves from the problems we are having to deal with. It's just easier to look the other way. As a result of that, we neglect our health and mind. Maybe we start eating to feel better. We stop doing any type of activity or sports because we don't feel good about our body or don't even have the energy to do anything. We don't come around other people because we have the believe that we would not be good company anyways and we don't want to gloom everyone else. There may be many other reasons for not doing anymore what we used to like.
When we suddenly neglect our healthy diets, activities, and exercising, we are not doing our mind a favor. In fact, this will only snowball into bigger and more problems. When our health is affected, we limit ourselves in the things we can do. When we are eating healthy food, we give our brain the nutrition it needs to think healthy thoughts. When we go for a walk or exercise,(or do things we like) we release chemicals in our brains that will help us feel better (endorphins are called the "feel good" neurotransmitter). Once we have and do the things that our body needs to function at the most productive level, we can think of solutions to better our situation and feel the way we used to.
My thought is if we feel unmotivated, we should take small steps to better ourselves. Start with eating healthy food for better nutrition. Then start walking. You don't have to fit into a sexy outfit right away. Just start moving and get your blood circulating. It's amazing how ideas will flood into ones mind and solutions will pop into ones head that could make circumstances better.
The biggest part with guiding thoughts is meditation. You can pray while you walk or paint. Keep focusing on the solutions, not the problems. When you focus on problems, you will get more problems. But if you focus on what is good right now and how to get more good things, then more good things will come.
It might sound simpler to say than to do. But everyone can take 10 minutes out of a busy day and just go for a quick walk.
Whatever your focus is, that is what you will find. If you go into the wilderness looking for a tiger, you will find a tiger. We need to focus on the things we want, not what we don't want.
Once you start seeing how your mind shifts, you will start getting more motivated doing the good things for yourself.
Give it some time, maybe a couple of weeks or a month. You didn't get to this state over night either. When you start giving yourself the good things you once did, you will feel and see how you deserve to be treated well. You treat yourself good and you will find others and life itself will also treat you well.
The important thing to remember is, as long as you have a healthy mind, you have the ability to make positive changes and better your life and your circumstances. Your circumstances should never control your state of mind and and your happiness or even stop you from doing what you like.
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